Svilengrad – car rental, information, sights
Silk production is developing very actively. This is how the city got its name; silk in Turkish means silk. Today it is a modern city that has become attractive to many tourists. Interesting sights and history of the city attract the attention of many foreigners. There are several hotels in Svilengrad where tourists can stay and enjoy the good services that the hotels offer.
Transport in Svilengrad and Sky rentacar
And in order to explore all the sights, or simply curious places of the city, without limiting yourself to the framework of the tourist bus routes, it will be much more convenient if you rent a car in Bulgaria, Svilengrad. The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing a company that is ready to provide you with the opportunity to use car rental services, because in this case you risk only worsening your stay in the glorious city of Svilengrad.
In order not to face any problems related to renting a car without a deposit, it is best to contact the well-proven lessor – Sky rentacar Burgas. Long-term work in the car rental market, combined with high quality service, professional staff, speed of car rental booking, low prices and a large fleet of cars for rent, have elevated Sky rentacar to the undisputed leaders of the market of rentacar services. only in Svilengrad, but also in the whole of Bulgaria.
Hotels and accommodation
Hotel Romantika has become one of the best hotels in the city, as it has a convenient location, close proximity to the sea and excellent conditions for spending great time with the family. The rooms are equipped with TV, telephone, private bathroom and other conditions that create incredible comfort. From the window you can see a charming view of the sea. A conference room is also available for those wishing to do business.
You can hold conferences, seminars, presentations, business meetings and other events. Not far from the hotel is the beach “Riviera”. Such opportunities attract a large number of visitors. Resting in such a place will bring a lot of pleasure and help you relax in a pleasant atmosphere. A hotel room can be booked in advance, then you will already be waiting to ensure the best service.
Parish Hotel
Near the center is the “Parish” hotel, which is always ready to provide the best conditions for its visitors. The air-conditioned rooms feature cable TV and a bathroom with free toiletries. In the bars you can have a good and light breakfast. Grocery stores can be found nearby where you can buy everything you need.
The hotel’s restaurants will delight their guests with delicious Bulgarian cuisine and room service. There is free internet that will allow you to always keep in touch with your loved ones or at work. From here it is convenient to go on excursions and tourist routes. Such conditions will make your stay unforgettable.
The best car rental service from Sky rentacar Burgas
No less unforgettable will make your vacation and the opportunity to independently determine the time and directions of your trips around the country, which is simply impossible when using “classic” methods of travel such as buses or taxis. The complete lack of mileage restrictions that you can find at Sky rentacar Burgas allows you to go exactly where you want with a rental car without a deposit, without paying exorbitant amounts of money to taxi drivers and without wasting valuable time waiting for designated bus at outdoor stops.
Another hotel located in Svilengrad is Apartment MIX. Excellent rooms that allow you to relax with your family and are equipped with everything you need for comfort. Good services will help you feel comfortable. The restaurants serve delicious dishes as well as wine with a unique taste. Bulgaria is famous for growing vineyards, so the wine in this country is impeccable. Do not forget to try and enjoy its wonderful taste.
There is Internet access throughout the territory, so you can always keep in touch with your loved ones and conduct business negotiations. Staying in this hotel will be very pleasant. Online room booking is also available. You can also check availability. Svilengrad is known for its pleasant climate. It has a great atmosphere. The sunny city provides a great opportunity for guests to have a good rest. There are several interesting places in the city that will make your vacation exciting and informative.
Svilengrad – history, sights, archeology
A few kilometers from the town of Svilengrad and a kilometer from Greece is the historical fortress of Mezek. The Thracians used to live here, and the village of Mezek became famous for its wine production. The Thracians called this place a museum. Many burials, tombs and other important exhibits have been discovered during archaeological excavations and surveys.
Tourists from all over Europe come here every year on an excursion. For protection against the Turkish invaders, high and strong walls were built, which had a regular rectangular shape. Strategic towers with a height of ten meters were also built. They are divided into several floors. Additional towers were completed on the north side to increase defenses. In 1900, the fortress was destroyed. Some parts have been restored and today it is an interesting place for tourists.
How to make your vacation more pleasant?
Sky rentacar Burgas cares about the comfort of its customers, therefore it does not require them to have a large number of documents for renting a rental car. Maximum optimization of the car booking process, by Sky rentacar Burgas, requires only 2 documents from customers si: driver’s license and passport, and the speed of work of our employees allows us to consider incoming applications for car rental in Bulgaria within 10-15 minutes.
In this way, the minimum set of necessary documents, combined with the quick processing of applications, made it possible to achieve a level of service where renting a car from the Sky rentacar Burgas company became no more difficult than a regular taxi call. In addition, if you take advantage of the rental car delivery option available on the territory of Svilengrad, then you don’t even need to personally visit the Sky rentacar Burgas office to pick up your car. Agree, this is very convenient!
Hadji Dimitar House Museum
Another place that does not remain without the attention of foreigners is the house-museum of Hadji Dimitar. Before that, the premises were owned by the big figure in the country – Hadji Dimitar. The house was built in the eighteenth century by this man’s grandfather. This is not a large house with an attic, built in the Revival style. Hadji Dimitar was born in this house and became an active and courageous fighter for the liberation of his people from the Turkish invaders.
Сградата се намира в очарователен и живописен вътрешен двор. Всички стаи са напълно реставрирани, така че можете да видите уютен хол, винарска изба и други интересни места. Този човек се превръща в легенда, а къщата във важен спомен за българския народ. Той се бори смело, за да се освободи страната му от врагове. Благодарение на такива хора днес, България е една от най-привлекателните страни.
Църкви и религия
През 1834 г. е построена църквата “Света Троица”. Местни жители и енориаши донесли дарения за изграждането на храма. Църквата е разрушена и опожарена, но е възстановена много бързо. Тук започва да функционира първото училище в града, което се оглавява от голямия за страната – Иван Вазов. В допълнение към тази църква, в града има няколко скални храма и кула. За българите те са важни и са и историческото и културно наследство на страната.
България е известна с многото си катедрали и църкви, както и с вярата си в Бога. Много жители често ходят в храмове, за да извършват молитви. Всички забележителности на града и околностите му могат да бъдат проучени за няколко дни, с автомобил под наем без депозит, а след това да отидете на екскурзия до съседните градове. За да направите това, си струва да наемете кола. Българската компания предоставя най-добрите условия за Вашето пътуване.
Какво ще спечелите, ако изберете автомобил под наем?
Освен това тук са най-ниските цени в страната, така че вече голям брой туристи са използвали тази услуга и са били доволни. За семейно пътуване това ще бъде идеален избор. Можете да спестите много време, както и да посетите по-далечни градове, които примамват със своята красота и величие. Прекрасният град София ще разкаже невероятната история на тази страна, както и ще помогне да си прекараме страхотно. Съчетава исторически моменти с модерен стил.
Времето, прекарано в този град, ще се помни дълго време в паметта Ви и ще дава приятни впечатления. Много туристи се възхищават на архитектурно-историческите сгради, построени във възрожденски стил. Освен това можете да се отпуснете в нощни клубове, да слушате хубава музика и да се насладите на вкусни напитки. Наличието на автомобил под наем отваря неограничени възможности за вълнуващо пътуване, а също така създава комфорт за Вас и Вашето семейство.
The lack of mileage restrictions will allow you to rent a car in our company to any point in the city or even in the country. Enjoy every moment spent in Svilengrad instead of a long and boring wait for the next bus. And all you need for this is one call to the company Sky rentacar Burgas.
Svilengrad will surely delight you with beautiful and memorable places that have an incredible history. Here you can go hiking and enjoy the beautiful nature that surrounds the city. The surroundings of this area will not leave any tourist indifferent. The city is known for its historical monuments and rich cultural life. In memory of this trip, you can buy a wonderful souvenir. Very popular is Rose Valley butter, which is handmade by the locals.